The Intersection of Medical Technology and IT

This episode, our host sits down with an experienced field engineer to learn about his journey to supporting medical equipment from an IT background and how current technologies make it so that these two industries now have more in common than you think.

If you want to learn more about how to freelance in field service, visit our Techworks page.

Duration: 10 min 43 sec


About Techworks Talks

Join Source Support for a deeper look at field engineering through the eyes of field service professionals – it’s advantages and its pitfalls, the tools of the trade, what it takes to get into the industry, work-life balance as a freelancer in tech, and more – all from our network of Source Techworks field engineers (FEs).

Source Techworks is Source Support’s global network of certified, on-demand, 24/7 field engineers and technical resource partners who provide high-quality, on-site installation, preventive maintenance, and break/fix repair services on behalf of technical product manufacturers.