The Impact of Digitalization on Field Service Organizations

There’s no question that life and work today look considerably different than they did a generation ago – or even a year ago – mainly due to the emergence and evolution of technology. The same applies in the world of field service. Delivering quality field service in a digitalized world, and competing well in today’s marketplace, requires thinking and operating differently.

This can take place on several levels, such as adapting to new digital technologies and upleveling HR practices. In addition, some service organizations have found that traditional W2 field engineer models just don’t enable the level of quality or efficiency their end-users require, so they’ve pivoted to outsourced third-party service models. This approach has helped service organizations reduce their operating expenses and augment their digitalization needs while their own workforce adapts to trends in digitalization.


To learn more about how to compete and win in today’s digitalized marketplace, and explore new best practices in operations, download and read our latest article, “The Impact of Digitalization on Field Service Organizations.”